We are a friendly church. Come Celebrate the Joy Jesus Offers to Believers.
Witness the Abundant Joy Experience!
“Le he dicho esto de modo que mi alegría pueda estar en usted y eso su alegría pueda ser completa.”
“These things I have spoken to you, that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be full”
John 15:11
It Is Our Vision to Create a congregation whereby excellence is the standard. We seek to create an environment where we can discover how to nurture relationships through our commitment to listen, learn, offer service, provide pastoral care, seek understanding and love as Jesus loved us. John 15:12. Ephesians 4:11-16. 2nd Thessalonians 3:1. 1st John 4:16.
The Abundant Joy Christian Center began at pastor’s house when four women asked him to host a Saturday morning Bible study. Internationally known senior pastors offered words of encouragement. Our first worship service was held at the ballroom of the Newark Gateway Hilton, Sunday, February 4, 1996, Newark, NJ. After a few months, we moved to the Church at the Crossroads, East Orange, NJ, where we conducted our first baptism service. November 1996, God opened a door to move to Jersey City.
We are a community-oriented congregation thus in March 2004 we changed our name to The Abundant Joy Community Church. We seek to make the Gospel of Jesus Christ real in our daily lives. We are members of the American Baptist Churches of New Jersey.
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We are proud to announce that October 2022 our pastor celebrates 40 years in the ordained ministry. He is a retired Professor of Pastoral Theology, Psychoanalyst, Board Member of Andover Newton Seminary at Yale Divinity School, Faculty and Board Member New Jersey Institute for Training in Psychoanalysis, Founding Board Member, Mission Unbounded and Instructor at the Rutgers University School of Social Work. Dr. Ashley published four books and is found in numerous book chapters and articles. Pastor Ashley is married to Tanya Pagan Raggio-Ashley, MD, FAAP, MPH. She is doubled boarded in preventive medicine and pediatrics. They are proud parents of an adult son, Chris. Together they have an eleven pound Shih Tzu, Serafina.